CSHS-HydRology Webinar: Spatial Vector Processing with R

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Spatial Vector Processing with R

Date: Wednesday, December 2 from 12pm – 2pm (Eastern Time)

This free webinar is hosted by the CSHS-hydRology group, and will be presented by Dr. Dan Moore and Stefan Gronsdahl. This webinar is intended to demonstrate how spatial vector data may be processed with GIS tools in an R environment, and is intended for practitioners, academics, and anyone using (or hoping to use) GIS tools with R for water resources applications. This webinar will be interactive and include both a presentation and demonstration of the materials with opportunities for questions of the presenters. Attendees will leave with an idea of (1) the operations typically performed with spatial vector data, (2) how to perform some of these operations with available open-source R tools, and (3) how these tools may benefit analysis in the field of water resources and hydrology.

If you are unable to attend, we will be recording the webinar for viewing following the live event. Attendees are encouraged to have R and Rstudio software installed prior to the webinar, and to visit Dr. Dan Moore’s research page on R Code for additional resources and primers on the usage of R for spatial analysis (https://ibis.geog.ubc.ca/~rdmoore/Rcode.htm).